Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Discouragement in Ministry

We all have them. One day we are on the top of the world, at the top of our game and then -- Bam! We are reminded that life is still out there waiting to snap at us. Most people have days like this but if you are in the ministry then you know that these days seem to be more frequent than not.

I have had one of those days this entire week. It seems like there is one problem after another and I do recognize it as an attack from the enemy but boy does it hurt. I guess we all have to come to a place of doubt from time to time. After a few bad days, I find myself second guessing God and myself. I say things like, "God, is this really what you want from me?" How do we really know? Perhaps it is simply walking step-by-step in the Word that we somehow come to the place where we need to be. It's not an easy thing on most days. Some days the desire to quit and do something else is the strongest emotion that I feel. Other days, pure victory and joy are prevailing. I guess I wonder if I am the only one who feels this way or are there others out there?

How do we cope with life's challenges and still remain faithful to God's call on our lives? I don't think there are any short answers to this question. There are some who would chastise anyone for feeling this way or even asking this question. I wonder how many pastors feel defeated and beaten up? Most congregations think that minsters have it all together but many never see the spiritual and emotional attacks that minsters face daily. Yet, each week the minster is supposed to present fresh, challenging messages that are timeless. No one ever really sees the doubts and fears and discouragement that often plagues people who are in ministry. The last statistic that I saw on pastors and churches reveal the truth all to well. That statistic stated the average stay of a minister in church was eighteen months. What is going on with this? The average stay at Walmart must be much longer than this!

Does this mean that life in the ministry is so stressful and discouraging that people simply can't remain in their positions? What does this say about the average church then? Back to the original question, how do we cope with life's challenges and still remain faithful to God's call on our lives?

I think the first thing we need to do is be certain of our calling. Whenever you feel discouraged, pray and allow God to remind you of His intent and purpose for your life. If you are certain that God called you into the ministry then rest in that assurance. If you do not have peace about this, then perhaps you need to rethink your position. People who really aren't called into the ministry have more difficulties remaining in the ministry than those who are called.

After you have been reminded of your calling, then know that you have a very real enemy who would love nothing more than to silence your voice. Consider this, "As they were going out, a mute, demon-possessed man was brought to Him.  After the demon was cast out, the mute man spoke; and the crowds were amazed, and were saying, “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.” (Matthew 9:32-33)

This demon attacked this man's voice. So many times the enemy wants to attack your voice to silence your message. As ministers, we have a message inside of us about the love of God. Not only is the true for ministers, but it is true for all Christians. So understand that you have a calling and then understand that you have an enemy who wants to silence your voice.

From here I think that it is imperative to stand against the enemy. Speak clearly and loudly if necessary to the enemy and rebuke him in the name of Jesus. Refuse the discouragement that he presents to you and reject it outright. Do not even entertain the thoughts of the discouragement.

Lastly, focus on the love of God for you. Rest in the assurance that He has called you and that He has a plan for your life. Just be in His presence for a while in prayer and worship. Through this you will sense Him again and the enemy will lose his grip.

I know that this is not all there is to the story. I would love to see your comments and advice for those of us who are in the ministry to remain faithful to the call. Maybe we can begin a discussion here that will uplift one another as fellow-laborers in the harvest. I thank you for reading this article and I look forward to hearing from you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He lift up His countenance upon you and give you you peace.

1 comment:

  1. I dont know if you remember me but I was on your line at NECX from 1999-2001. I was a skinny guy with glasses and we worked at building dams in Shady Valley and at churches around town. You were a very nice guy and treated us with respect and like human beings. There were guys on the line named Herb, Big Baby, Kilgore, Rex, and me Chris Tuttle. A guard took over for you named Buckles. I want to say thank you for being such a nice guy and sharing Gods word with us. If you have time email me at chrisntn26@yahoo.com God Bless You!
